
As a combination of two Swiss degrees in hospitality, this pathway offers a deeper immersion and broader overview of the industry with more internship experience.

Beginning in the cosy, hotel-resort setting of the Passugg campus and finishing with a final semester on the Lausanne campus (and passing by the EHL campus in Singapore if you choose), this program is an ideal choice if you are passionate about culinary arts, customer experience and hotel management, and you wish to gain extensive work experience before graduation.


Course Highlights

  • Two premium study environments in Switzerland
  • Option to study in Singapore for a semester or two
  • In-depth hospitality training preparing for general management roles
  • Creative projects testing the latest culinary concepts and hotel trends
  • One-on-one learning and small classes in a resort-style setting
  • Soft skills and an “affective approach” to enhance customer experience
  • Majors in Culinary Arts or Spa & Wellness Management
  • One full year of real-world work experience

Professional Path Outline

Semester 1 – Host: Learn how to provide exciting guest experiences

Semester 2 – Communicator: Learn how to communicate with empathy and intention


Semester 3 – Hospitality Operations Internship

Semester 4 – Entrepreneur: Think like an entrepreneur and develop strategic skills


Semester 5 – Hospitality Administration Internship

Semester 6 – Networker: Learn how to build meaningful relationships

Specialization in Culinary Arts or Spa & Wellness Management

Achievement: Swiss Professional Degree (HF)


Continue into the EHL Bachelor Program by entering directly in the Year 2 - Semester 3 of the Bachelor Program

Semester 3 - Academic Courses in Passugg or Singapore

Semester 4 - Management Internship (Optional for HF graduates)


Semester 5 - Courses in Management Strategy in Passugg, Switzerland or EHL Campus (Singapore)

Semester 6 - Elective courses and a research or business project in Lausanne

Achievement: Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management



The Swiss Professional Degree (HF)

This pathway begins with the Swiss Professional Degree (Dipl. Hôtelière-Restauratrice/Hôtelier-Restaurateur ES in French) which includes:

  • A 50/50 combination of theoretical and practical learning
  • A strong customer service focus based on industry know-how
  • A comprehensive overview of the industry for holistic hospitality management skills
  • Choice between the courses delivered in English and German language in Passugg  
  • Choice of two Majors: Culinary Arts or Spa & Wellness Management.

Following the Swiss Professional Degree, you will enter a top-up program to earn the Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management.

Three Semesters to Bachelor’s Degree Completion

Upon successful completion of the Swiss Professional Degree, you can complete your bachelor’s degree by studying for three additional semesters focusing on international business strategy and development.

Optionally, you can also complete The Bachelor Degree's six-month management internship in Semester 4, to add even more work experience to your CV.

Two Semesters in Passugg or Singapore

  • Semesters 3 & 5 of the Academic Pathway
  • Advanced level courses in business analysis, strategic management, applied and integrated hospitality management, communication, and culture
  • Teamwork assignments, case studies, and interactions with industry experts

Final Semester in Lausanne

  • Semester 6 of the Academic Pathway
  • Choose three electives from nearly 20 industry-relevant subjects to develop specific expertise for your career path
  • Student Business Project: A final group project where you become the consultant and solve a business challenge for an external industry partner.
darwin hotel

A Year of Real Work Experience

  • Achieved through two 6-month internships
  • Roles in both operations and supervisory/management positions
  • Makes you a mature candidate with professional know-how to confidently lead a team
  • Gives you ahead start on the years of experience required for most managerial positions

A Real Life Project

In the final semester of the Bachelor degree course in Lausanne, you can choose a student business project (SBP) or an individual applied research project.

SBP: You will join a team of five students providing a consulting service to an external client. A large majority of our students' proposals are put into action by the clients and a significant number of students are hired by the same client at the end of the project.

Research project: Your task will be to find a solution to an industry-specific problem using both qualitative and quantitative research methods. You will be supervised by an experienced faculty member who will coach you in the methods needed to successfully complete your project.

Alumni Testimonials

Two Amazing Campuses in Switzerland


Campus Lausanne

Enjoy premium hospitality education and a dynamic lifestyle in a modern business university setting, above the “world’s best small city”.


Campus Passugg

Experience Switzerland’s most famous region for alpine tourism and luxury hospitality, and enjoy a cozy, resort-style campus in the mountains.

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