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Dr Marc Stierand

Marc Stierand , PhD


PhD in Management Science, Creativity & Innovation, Department of Management Science, University of Strathclyde


Full Professor

Teaching Location(s)

EHL Campus Lausanne
EHL Campus (Singapore)

Courses and Modules Taught

• Applied Hospitality Management
• Diploma Work - Student Business Project
• Foundations of Hospitality Management II
• Industrial Attachment (6 Months)
• Creativity and innovation in the food and beverage sector
Food Service quality & design

Teaching Subject(s)

Food Service Quality & Design
Creativity and innovation in the food and beverage sector
Creating the Future of Food Service

Area(s) of Expertise

Creativity, aesthetics, and sensory knowing
Culinary arts
Management education & development
Managerial and organizational cognition

Short Bio

Marc Stierand, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Service Management and the Director of the Institute of Business Creativity at EHL. Before joining the world of academia, he was a chef in Michelin-starred restaurants and luxury hotels. His research focuses on managerial and organizational cognition and management education and development in the hospitality context, with particular interest in personal and team creativity, intuition, and talent.

Marc has authored several papers in diverse outlets including Management Learning, Creativity and Innovation Management, the Journal of Creative Behavior, and the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. He is a regular presenter and session chair at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM) and the British Academy of Management Annual Conference (BAM) where he is also a steering group member of the Research Methodology Special Interest Group.

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Hinrichs, N., Stierand, M. & Glaveanu, V. (2023). Food for thought: How curiosity externalization is fostered through organizational identity. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 179, 104293.

Miralles, M., Lee, B., Dörfler, V. and Stierand, M. (2022). Guest editorial: Investigating trauma: methodological, emotional and ethical challenges for the qualitative researcher. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 17(4), 397-405.

Dörfler, V. & Stierand, M. (2021). Bracketing: a phenomenological theory applied through transpersonal reflexivity. Journal of Organizational Change Management.

Stierand, M., Heelein, J., & Mainemelis, C. (2020). A Designer on Designing: A Conversation with Johannes Torpe. Journal of Management Inquiry, 29(3), 350-359.

Stierand, M., Boje, D. M., Gl?veanu, V.P., Dörfler, V., Haley, U., & Feuls, M. (2019). Paradoxes of Creativity: Examining the Creative Process through an Antenarrative Lens. Journal of Creative Behavior, 53(2), 65-170.

Josephi, S., Stierand, M., & Van Mourik, A. (2016). Hotel revenue management: Then, now and tomorrow. Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management, 15, 252-257.

Stierand, M., & Dörfer, V. (2016). The Role of Intuition in the Creative Process of Expert Chefs. Journal of Creative Behavior, Special Issue on Creativity and Food, 50(3), 178-185.

Velencei, J., Baracskai, Z. , Dorfler, V., & Stierand, M. (2016). Supporting the Competent Practitioner: Trans-disciplinary Coaching with a Knowledge-Based Expert System. International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, 12(2), 20-27.

Stierand, M. (2015). Developing creativity in practice: Explorations with world-renowned chefs. Management Learning, 46, 598-617.

Stierand, M., & Zizka, L. (2015). Reflecting on hospitality management education through a practice lens. Journal of Quality Assurance in Education, 23(4), 353-363.

Stierand, M., Dörfler, V., & MacBryde, J. (2014). Creativity and Innovation in Haute Cuisine: Towards a Systemic Model. Creativity and Innovation Management, 23(1), 15-28.

Funded Research Projects

Hinrichs, N & Stierand, M. Project: When the wild mind meets the disciplined eye: Professional identity development at the intersection of institutional logics and creativity, Date: 01.01.2023 to 01.01.2026, External fundraising: SNF
Stierand M. & Lecossois C., Project: Educati-EAU: L'eau et la protection de la nature au travers de l'éducation à l'environnement, Date : 01.07.2017 to 31.12.2019, Public & Private Fundings.
Stierand, M., Project: Re-Exploring the Meaning, Significance and Future Development of the Commercial Meal Experience for Hospitality Management, Date: 01.01.2015 to 31.03.2016, External Fundraising: HES-SO.


Best Developmental Paper Award’ delivered by the British Academy of Management’s Research Methodology Track for the paper titled ‘Frozen in Time: Unfolding Experiences in Archival Process Data.’ (2019)
‘Best Developmental Paper Award’ delivered by the British Academy of Management’s Research Methodology Track for the paper titled ‘Intellectual Quietness: Our Struggles With Researching Creativity As A Process.’ (2018)
'Developing creativity in practice: Explorations with world-renowned chefs' included in a Virtual Special Issue of Management Learning on sensory knowledge that the journal believes illustrates the finest work on sensory knowledge that has been published in the journal in the least ten years (2017)
‘Best Developmental Paper Award’ delivered by the British Academy of Management’s Research Methodology Track for ‘Reflecting on Becoming: The Role of Savoir, Savoir-Faire, and Savoir-Être.’ (2016)
'Creativity and Innovation in Haute Cuisine: Towards a Systemic Model' is listed as the most cited Creativity and Innovation Management articles published in 2014 and 2015 (2016)