Fees & Scholarships for the EHL Bachelor Course in Singapore

The fees and scholarships associated with our course are provided here for informational purposes only. We reserve the right to modify these at any time.

Bachelor Fees for study in Singapore

1. Full Studies – 3-Year Course

Fees Breakdown Total Payable in SGD (incl. GST if any)
Tuition fees 118,770
Communal Services1 20,850
F&B & printing2 16,440
Total Course Fees Payable 156,060
No of Installments 3


1.  Communal services fees cover the costs related to the facilities, such as site security, student affairs services, career center services or alumni lifetime membership and are detailed in the table below.

2.  Prepaid amount for beverage and printing services offered on campus. Please note that EHL Campus (Singapore) offers breakfast and lunch services on-campus provided by a catering services company.

The amounts are indicative and subject to modification.

Communal Services SGD
Facilities, Sports, Security 7,530
Student Affairs Services 6,700
Career Center Services 4,070
Alumni Lifetime Membership 2,550

Miscelleanous Fees

Miscellaneous Fees refer to any non-compulsory fees which the students pay only when applicable. Such fees are normally collected by EHL Campus (Singapore) Pte Ltd. when the need arises. 

Purpose of Fee Amount in SGD
(with GST, if any)
Health Insurance1 (per semester)


Additional study material
(estimated, per semester)
Exam Retake (per exam) 410
Late Payment fees
(per late payment request sent)


1. Students enrolled at EHL Campus (Singapore) must have valid health insurance throughout their studies.

2. Note that EHL Campus (Singapore) does not provide insurance package. Students should check with their existing insurance provider if they will be covered for the time they are studying in Singapore. Should students need to purchase a new insurance, they will have to source on their own. Alternatively, an insurance provider will be invited to Campus Singapore during orientation week for students to enquire or purchase a package with them.

The amounts are indicative and subject to modification.

Fees for Students Joining the Preparatory Year in Lausanne

The Preparatory Year in Lausanne is a separate program that has its own fees, payable to EHL Campus Lausanne.

These fees are detailed in the document below.