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Dr Laura Zizka

Laura Zizka , PhD


PhD in Management, Walden University
MA in Technical and Professional Writing Specialization, Northern Arizona University
BA in French and Sociology, Xavier University


Associate Professor

Teaching Location(s)

EHL Campus Lausanne
EHL Campus (Singapore)

Courses and Modules Taught

• Communication & Culture II
• Diploma Work - Bachelor Thesis
• Industrial Attachment (6 Months)
• Academic Writing
• Crisis Communication Management

Teaching Subject(s)

Academic Integrity
Academic Writing
Academic Writing, Research and Integrity
Crisis Communication
Crisis Communication Management
Crisis / Strategic Communication

Area(s) of Expertise

Corporate social responsibility
Higher education (hospitality and STEM)
Sustainability actions, initiatives, and reporting

Short Bio

With more than 20 years of international teaching experience, Dr. Laura Zizka has been a faculty member at EHL since 2002. As an Associate Professor, she teaches Academic Writing and Crisis/Strategic Communication to undergraduate and graduate students as well as coaching Student Business Projects and undergraduate theses. Her teaching philosophy revolves around lifelong learning, application of transferable ‘soft’ skills, and positive social change.

Dr. Zizka is the Chair of the Examination Board and is a Peer Pedagogical Coach. She animates seminars and workshops with students and staff on teaching and learning topics. Dr. Zizka is a member of the Swiss Faculty Development Network (SFDN), British Academy of Management (BAM), and Academy of Management (AOM). She has presented papers in international conferences and serves as a reviewer for several prestigious academic journals.

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Zizka, L., Dias, A., HO, J. A., Bernard Simpson, S., & Singal, M. (forthcoming). From extra to Extraordinary: An academic and practical exploration of Extraordinary (E) Pro Environmental Behavior (PEB) in the hotel industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management.

Zizka, L., & Chen, M.-M. (Forthcoming). “Sanitary measures, social distancing, safety”: The evolution of Swiss hoteliers’ Covid-19 communication through three snapshots. Tourism and Hospitality Research.

Baalbaki, J., & Zizka, L. (Forthcoming). Egyptian crises and destination brand image: the resurrection of the mummy. Current Issues in Tourism.

Zizka, L., & Probst, G. (2023). Learning during (or despite) COVID-19: business students’ perceptions of online learning. Quality Assurance in Education, 31 (1), 60-73.

Zizka, L. (2022). Sustainability in Top Hospitality/Leisure Management Programs: Teaching for a Sustainable Future? Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education.

Zizka, L., & Probst, G. (2022). Teaching during COVD-19: faculty members’ perceptions during and after an “exceptional” semester. Journal of International Education in Business.

Zizka, L., & Stirnimann, A. (2022). Waste not, want not: Managerial attitudes towards mitigating food waste in the Swiss-German restaurant industry. Journal of Foodservice Business Research.

Scheiwiller, S., & Zizka, L. (2021). Strategic responses by European airlines to the Covid-19 pandemic: A soft landing or a turbulent ride? Journal of Air Transport Management.

Chen, M. M., Zizka, L., Girardin, F., & Zhang, E. R. (2021). Explaining viewer affect with imagery diagnosis model. Tourism Management Perspectives, 38, 100814.

Zizka, L., & Varga, P. (2021). Teaching Sustainability in Higher Education Institutions Assessing Hospitality Student’s Sustainability Literacy. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 1-16.

Zizka, L., Doreen M. McGunagle, D-M, Clark, P-J. (2021). Sustainability in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) programs: Authentic engagement through a community-based approach. Journal of Cleaner Production.

Martin-Rios, C., Zizka, L., Varga, P. & Pasamar, S. (2020). KITRO: technology solutions to reduce food waste in Asia-Pacific hospitality and restaurants, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, DOI: 10.1080/10941665.2020.1773513

Terrier, L., Varga, P. Scaroni, A., & Zizka, L. (2020). To go or not to go, that is the question: Using social influence to reduce hot beverage cup waste, Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 23 (4), 350-357.

McGunagle, D., & Zizka, L. (2020). Employability skills for 21st-century STEM students: the employers' perspective. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 10 (3), 591-606.

Plews, R., & Zizka, L. (2020). Hospitality Faculty Member Perceptions of the Role of Faculty Development for Their Teaching. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education, 32(1), 55-61.

Worwag, S., Varga, P., & Zizka, L. (2019). Tourists’ Ethical Concern for Dumbo: Elephant Tourism in Thailand. Journal of Travel, Tourism and Recreation, 1(2), 17-27.

Zizka, L., McGunagle, D., & Clark, P. (2019). Sustainability in STEM Higher Education: Making Social Change Together. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 18(7), 121-132.

McGunagle, D., & Zizka, L. (2018). Meeting Real World Demands of the Global Economy: An Eployer's Perspective. Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research, 27(2), 59-76.

Zizka, L. (2018). Hospitality Students’ Perceptions of Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Sustainability. The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 24(4), 1-12.

Zizka, L. (2017). The (mis)use of social media to communicate CSR in hospitality: Increasing stakeholders' (dis)engagement through social media. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 8(1), 73-86.

Zizka, L. (2017). Corporate Reputation Rankings 2016: And the Winner is? Advances in Economics and Business, 5(3), 137-154. DOI:10.13189/aeb.2017.050303

Zizka, L. (2017). Student perceptions of ethics, CSR, and sustainability (ECSRS) in hospitality management education. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 17(4), 254-268.

Zizka, L. (2017). From Campfire to Classroom: An Application of Talking Circles and Storytelling in Hospitality Management Education. Journal of Hospitality &Tourism Education, 29(1), 44-50.

McGunagle, D. M., Button, D., & Zizka, L. (2016). The impact of corporate social responsibility communication on corporate reputation. I-Manager’s Journal of Management, 10(4), 37-44.

Zizka, L. (2016). Digital natives and perceived technology skills: Bridging the digital divide between natives. Journal of Communication and Media Studies, 1(3), 15-23.

Stierand, M., & Zizka, L. (2015). Reflecting on hospitality management education through a practice lens, Quality Assurance in Education, 23(4), 353-363.

Funded Research Projects

Laura Zizka's Projects


Received Best Developmental Paper Award at the BAM conference 2016 in the category of ‘Research Methodology’ (co-authored with Dr. Viktor Dorfler and Dr. Marc B. Stierand) with the paper entitled “Reflecting on Becoming: The Role of Savoir, Savoir-Faire, and Savoir-Être”